Chu Fang Chiang

Primary Coverage: Fixed Income
Secondary Coverage: Asset Management & Private Banking
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Phone number: +81-3-5577-4308

Chu is a Principal Consultant in our Japan Financial services team

My Expertise

I have been covering front-office roles in the Financial industry in Japan since Jan 2004. Throughout my career, I have experience in servicing clients and candidates in FICC, Structured Products, Equity, Asset Management, and Private Wealth. In recent years, I primarily focus on FICC and Structured products ranging from junior to senior level.

Area of Focus

I specialized in the FICC and Structured products area and have a strong track record. Besides my core coverage, I have placed candidates in compliance, treasury, cash equity, asset management, and private wealth areas.

My Background

I studied and majored in Banking at National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan, and obtained a Master’s degree in Information System from the University of Texas at Arlington. I am a native Mandarin Chinese speaker, and fluent in English and Japanese. Outside work, I enjoy reading (literature and history), classical music, rail travel, gardening (growing roses), baking, and playing with my Shih Tzu dogs and Shiba Inu.